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The Power of Connection through Our Stories
Jennifer's NICU journey at 27 weeks

One year ago, I was being rushed to the Operating Room. I was in Class 1 HELLP and was dying. My daughter was only 27-weeks gestation.
How could I deliver? It was WAY too early! But delivery was necessary for either of us to have a shot. The NICU can be a scary place. It can be terrifying and feel like a black hole. It can also feel like a joy-filled home! We graduated after heart surgeries and 106 days of learning how to eat and breathe.
The NICU club is one nobody asks to join but once you are a member, there is a lifetime of support and positive energy. There is hope! There are services and supports if your family needs them. There is prayer and cutting-edge medicine if you need those too. Remember this NICU quote: I feared it was too early and cried because it was too soon, yet I underestimated the strength in one as small as you. From a mama of a 27-week, 1 pound 8 ounce fighter, you will learn just how strong and amazing YOU are during this journey! - Jennifer, OH
Jennifer's Link Look- Double Link Infinity Necklace