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handmade jewelry that will make your loved ones cry happy tears
Jesse, SC

My daughter was 2.5 years old when she was diagnosed with cancer. The word “CANCER” broke by heart and soul. How could my baby be sick? She spent 10 days in the hospital being diagnosed. There are no perfect words to console someone. I’ve heard it all. Someone even asked me, "What’s her prognosis?" I'm sorry, are you asking me if my baby is going to die? They just don't understand.
She had an 8 hour surgery to remove her right kidney. The tumor had taken over and ruptured. They had to put in a port. She completed 10 rounds of radiation. They had to sedate her each time because she is little and doesn't know how to lay still. 28 weeks of chemo. Multiple blood transfusions. She turned 3 in June. We are now in August and awaiting one more “clear” to then get her port removed. It is a long NASTY road, but don't let cancer take you to your knees for long. Get up and fight. Fight for you, your family, who ever. Cancer is just a word. YOU ARE BIGGER THAN IT. Sending all my love and support. -Jesse, SC