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handmade jewelry that will make your loved ones cry happy tears
Courtney, TX

I was diagnosed with a rare form of ovarian cancer in 2017 and had my third surgery (for recurrence) the following year. I had both ovaries removed (as well as my Fallopian tubes) and immediately went into medical menopause at age 32. We are on a tight budget because of my medical expenses, and making sure my 9 year old daughter has everything she needs. Our daughter's health issues and medical care (since the spring of 2021) has been yet another unforeseen, ongoing, and significant expense, causing financial hardships and stress. Hailey is in SpEd (she has a learning disability in math) and she also goes to vision therapy once a week. She had to have two different surgeries last year.
She needed a barium swallow and an upper endoscopy. The endoscopy confirmed that Hailey did not have a physical problem - her difficulty with eating was solely due to anxiety. Hailey continues to see her child play/art therapist once a week to help with her anxiety. She previously needed to see a food therapist, until she was once again able to eat solid foods. Hailey also had surgery on her eardrum - a Tympanoplasty. Unfortunately, Hailey fell into the 1% category in which the eardrum does not close after an ear tube falls out. The healing process took five weeks. Thankfully, her eardrum graft is completely accepted, and Hailey's hearing in her right ear is 100% restored.
Thank you for taking the time to read this <3 - Courtney, TX